Authentic Costa Rica

Costa Rica is full of friendly people who wish you a “Pura Vida” with a cheerful smile. If you would like to get to know authentic Costa Rica, choose one of our Authentic Tours. You will get to know the local customs, traditions and culture of Costa Rica

What are Authentic Tours?

There are many different types of tours that give you a good impression of how daily life in Costa Rica is. For example, visit a local family and stay overnight here, it is an unforgettable experience! Or learn more about the original indigenous people. You can also visit a farm and work with animals. Maybe you think of volunteering in social projects or animal centres, or visiting a local school.

Are you less interested in authentic life, but more in authentic food, meals or just excellent cooking skills? There are several activities where you can make tortillas yourself or learn everything about how to prepare coffee. Or explore the real Caribbean taste

Authentic Costa Rica on the market

Another recommendation is to visit a local fruit- or vegetable market on Saturdays. Stroll among the locals and buy some fruit for the road. It will be an amazing experience and you can’t find your food much fresher anywhere!

Are you curious about which authentic tours you can do during your vacation? Please contact us, so we can inform you about all the possibilities.
